My Internship Work Experiences

Project Management Intern- Calcium Healthcare Marketing & Advertising

From the beginning of June 2021 to the end of July I was a project management intern for Calcium Healthcare Marketing and Advertising. Throughout the course of my internship, I worked for two different teams, one was for a client called Chiesi Global Rare Disease and the second team I worked with was working for a company called Harmony Biosciences. One daily task that I had was managing and sending out a hot sheet for the teams. In order to manage the hot sheet list, I would have to route project tasks to employees so they knew what step they were completing for the project. I would have to write a detailed task description and incorporate the correct work attachments for the employee to work on or review for needed for the specific job I was giving directions about. As tasks were being completed, I would have to update the hot sheet list and send it within our Microsoft Teams Channel every hour of the day from 10 AM to 5 PM. I would input and edit timelines using Airtable Software to help co-workers know when a project is created, reviewed, and updated. Every week, three times a week I would communicate the status of projects (by looking at the timeline in Airable) to the team which consisted of creative, edit, copy and account manager employees.

Additionally, within Airtable software, I was also able to write out important deadlines and meetings that were coming up for certain projects. Therefore, I was able to make sure employees were kept up to date with upcoming meetings and deadlines. It was important for me to make sure the whole team is on the same page, especially in an agency environment where there are so many moving parts. Another responsibility I had was financial maintenance work. I would work in excel observing “Burn Sheets” which contained the billable hours that employees put towards specific projects. I then would have to see if there were jobs that were running close to going over the budget amount and if it was I would complete some called an hours transfer. In order to complete an hours transfer, I would take X number of hours from one employee and transfer to another employee under a different job code (a job that wasn’t close to the budget amount).

Social Media Intern- Dovetail College Consulting

Spring of 2021, I worked with a college consulting advisor to post attention-grabbing content on her social three times a week. I developed content using Canva software and the content calendar software used was called Buffer. I would monitor her engagement on her accounts and work to boost her engagement with customers and potential customers. Below are examples of content I create for my manager’s college consulting Instagram using Canva software to draw attention to her account.
